Friday, April 9, 2004, 6:54:44 AM, D. Richard Hipp wrote:

> Nuno Lucas wrote:
>  > I have a feature that would be nice in a 2.8.x version, but I can live with
>  > it if only on 3.0. It's the optimization for the many times used "SELECT
>  > COUNT(*) FROM ...", at least if FROM is a table or a view.
>  >
>  > I don't know exactly why it takes so much time, but if a file format change
>  > is needed to add a row counter to the tables and/or views, why not?
>  >

> This is something that requires a file format change, so if it is
> going to happen, it needs to happen in 3.0.

> The reason for not doing this is that maintenance of the counter
> slows down inserts and deletes.  Is having a constant-time count(*)
> really work slower inserts and deletes?  If you have opinions on
> this, speak up now, because it won't be an option later.

Would the existance of a row count for tables offer the opportunity
for some simple but effective query optimizations, such as join


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