The proposal for version 3.0 looks very promising and I hope all the major
will be implemented. Most of the enhancements seem to add flexibility and
scalability to
to the "C" based api. This is great as at the "C" api call level you can do
anything you want.
But I do not see any changes to add similar flexibility at the SQL language
Declarative programming is much more productive than writing many lines of
"c" code to 
do any data manipulation tasks. The current SQL language implementation
excels at the
vast majority of data manipulation needs but falls short in being able to
implement a 
complete data management system at the SQL language level.

One example is creating a database. SQLite can only create a database at the
"c" api level.
This should be changed to be able to use a CREATE DATABASE <dbname> command.
The sqlite3_open function
should be implemented with one major change. Instead of passing the complete
file name of the database,
pass in the name of the directory where the master/system database will be
created/opened. Only the master/system database should be created
automatically if one is not located in that directory. A sqlite3_create
function as well as a CREATE DATABASE command would create a user database
in the same directory as the master/system database by default as the system
database would contain a list of all user database that have been created
under that system database. Once a database has been created, a USE <dbname>
command would open that database if it is found in the master/system
database and make this the current database. The DETACH command could then
delete the user database link into the master/system database and this user
database would then be free to ATTACH to another master/system database.
Once this functionality is implemented it should not be hard to implement a
sqlite_users table in the master/system database to holder user information
so the GRANT/REVOKE command could be implemented against any user database
listed in the master/system database.

All of the above is based on the simple command of creating a database at
the SQL language level. Many other enhancements to the SQL language
could/should be implemented and I would gladly make more suggestions if
any other current users of SQLite feel that this would be a good step


-----Original Message-----
From: D. Richard Hipp [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Wednesday, April 07, 2004 9:22 AM
Subject: [sqlite] A proposal for SQLite version 3.0

A design proposal for SQLite version 3.0 can be found at:

Feedback from the user community is strongly encouraged.
An executive summary of the proposed changes follows:

    *  Support for UTF-16
    *  Better BLOB support
    *  User-defined collating sequences (for better
       internationalization support)
    *  Smaller and faster than 2.8.13.

The plan is to continue to support the 2.8.X series
indefinately and in parallel to the 3.X series.  But
the only changes to 2.8.X going forward will be bug
fixes.  New features will go into 3.X.  Beta releases
of version 3.X are expected within a few months.

I do not have much experience with UTF-16 and am
expecially interested in feedback on that area of
the design.
D. Richard Hipp -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] -- 704.948.4565

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