Il giorno Wed, 2 Jun 2004 05:31:21 -0700 (PDT), tu oh prode Jalil Vaidya
<[EMAIL PROTECTED]> hai scritto una mail.
Il suo oggetto era"Re: [sqlite] palm pilot":

> There is a PalmOS port of SQLite available. Mr. Wayne
> on this list kindly sent me the code of his work on
> the Palm port. I have not tested it on Palm Vx but I
> do believe it works(Mr. Wayne can correct me if I am
> wrong). I am working on Palm OS 6 port of SQLite but
> haven't been able to get far as my dev machines either
> keep crashing (for some totally different reasons) or
> they get utilized for something else. When will I be
> able to complete the port is an eternal question ;-)
> Let me know if you need the code.

I think it is a good idea to put the code and put a link in wiki as
Puneet Kishor said.
I have Palm OS 3.5
Do you think sqlite may work fine?


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