Jalil Vaidya wrote:

Mr. Warren was kind to provide me the code for Palm OS
port of Sqlite(I incorrectly mentioned "Mr. Wayne" in
my last mail; the work has been done by Mr. Warren
Taylor). He has generously  permitted me to add the
code to wiki. Since I cannot add the code to wiki due
to its limitations I have uploaded the code to my
site(there is no page or anything, just the code). The
url is:

The wiki has been updated with the link for download.
The wiki is available at:

As far as further development of Palm port goes, I am
planning on porting it to Palm OS 6.0 with native Arm
development. After the port of database system is
complete I plan to write an interface for conduit
which can be used during the hotsync. If anyone is
interested in helping out in this effort then please
let me know.


Jalil Vaidya

I have been looking for sql'esq tools for the palm. I'd like to help out if I can.

I'm currently using cygwin to compile my palm apps, is that still viable? (*I have not used sqlite yet, though I did see a compile HOWTO for cygwin*)

I downloaded the code from above and started tooling around. I assume I need to download the sqlite 2.8.9 version to get the make's and config's and stuff?

So, my next question: It looks like the code can be compiled to use pdb format or FileStream's. What about VFS so databases can reside entirely on an expansion card? I'd like to be able to send out a 50 meg database and just pull in the little pieces I need. What'cha think?

So are there any devices out that even use OS 6 yet? Does it still have the same three file systems: pdb, FileStream and VFS? Are they changing any that would break backward compatability? (*I'm currently using OS 5 and 4.2 (or whatever the 4 series is up to)*)


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