On Sat, 14 Aug 2004 20:43:00 -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Freshmeat has a tutorial on the Lemon Parser Generator.
>   http://freshmeat.net/articles/view/1270/
> This tutorial walks you through a simple calculator.

It is a good tutorial, thanks for taking the effort to put it together.

My only source of confusion has to do with the language that the
parser generates.  sqlite is in C and I know that's what lemon produces... 
so why the C++ idioms (ie lines 12 and 24 in the first souce listing), 
and why use g++ instead of gcc?  I suspect the answer has to do with
it being a matter of personal choice since C++ is a superset of C?
Or am I missing something and lemon can actually produce true
OO C++ code?        -- Al

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