At 3:37 AM -0500 11/20/04, j-marvin wrote:
i was hoping to get a little feedback on an idea i had.
the create table statement can get complex with its variable number
field constraints and table constraints etc. etc.
when i first tackled the problem i tried to parse it.  now i have a
different idea.  what if i viewed the create table statement
as a group of tables with records .  then when i am finished adding
records to the structure db tables i could call
a routine to write the create table statement based on the structure db
database for that particular table.
a problem i see with this design is someone with a table already
designed would not want to use a program like this
because they have all ready generated the table structure in
i'll probably be the only user anyways.
i thought i could use delphi personal edition and libsql to create an
interface in this manner to insert,update,delete,select
table structure data.
is this a really bad idea?  i have to try something.  changing the
structure is the worst part of my program :-(

Have a look here:

That's part of a project I'm working on. With it, each database table, as well as every other kind of thing you could possibly put in a schema or use with a database, is represented as a cross-referenced hierarchy of atomic-value nodes.

You can create and manipulate your "create table statement" by adding, removing, and altering the nodes. Then the create can be generated from them when done.

-- Darren Duncan

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