Have a look here: http://search.cpan.org/dist/SQL-Routine/

That's part of a project I'm working on.  With it, each database 
table, as well as every other kind of thing you could possibly put in 
a schema or use with a database, is represented as a cross-referenced 
hierarchy of atomic-value nodes.

You can create and manipulate your "create table statement" by 
adding, removing, and altering the nodes.  Then the create can be 
generated from them when done.

-- Darren Duncan

jim wrote:
Darren, this is cool.  I can't wait to pass this along to a person
at my job who works with DB's at his full-time job.

I had thought wouldn't it be nice if people would agree on the table
structue of the create
table statement within the sqlite community for all these sqlite db
popping up.  In my own self serving way in part at least because I am
not smart thought of 
the standardization because you just know I will mess up the table
relations design.
And like most projects who the hell wants the headache of maintaining
all the changes.
Why cant I borrow someone elses who did it before me who is smarter ;-)
I know it sounds incredibly lazy but because of my brain it takes me
longer to do things
so I often think of things to cut corners to help save time.
  I never dreamed a whole language spanning multiple db systems
would end up being developed.  And if you look at some tools out there I
believe the fancy 
structure change was omitted because of the headache to support my
theory.  Probably
a feature creep decision.

this looks like its required install OS is linux though???


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