New to SQL, SQLite, and the Delphi wrapper I'm using to 
talk to sqlite.dll. 

A couple of questions:

1. How can I get the dll to return JUST the desired data? 
   When I send the following SQL, for example,

      select colEntry from tblEntry where colNum = 3

   the textbox shows 

      "The text in the column."

   What I really want is just: 

      The text in the column.

   No header, no quotes, and no newline. Just data. I get 
   the impression the dll is sending all this back, not that
   the Delphi code is adding it. If so, any way to supress, or 
   must I strip the unneeded stuff off?

2. The Delphi setup is using the 2.something dll. Can I drop in the 
   3.something dll and change the 'sqlite.dll' line to 'sqlite3.dll'
   and expect it to work the same? 

   If so, would there be any advantages?


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