On Mon, Mar 07, 2005 at 04:22:50PM -0500, Eli Burke wrote:

> So, I was wondering if any of the more opinionated among you would care
> to suggest an interface language. It'll be on a Linux box, presumably 

I qualify as opinionated, so:  Tcl.  The fact that Dr. Hipp supports
Tcl directly for SQLite is yet another bonus.

> running apache although I'm open to alternatives. The app itself uses

AOLserver.  Among other things, it goes very nicely with Tcl.

> Does anyone have alternative suggestions, or if you agree that Python Is 
> Good, would you suggest using APSW, pysqlite, or something else?

People I trust are of the opinion that Python is a Good Thing, but I
know nothing about one of its db APIs vs. another.

Andrew Piskorski <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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