Eli Burke wrote:
I've been working on a project using sqlite3 since last fall. At the time,
I knew that it would need a web-based front-end eventually. I have a very
small bit of experience with PHP, and I assumed that PHP would support sqlite3 sooner or later. Well, it's later, and as far as I know, PHP
is still using the 2.x branch.

So, I was wondering if any of the more opinionated among you would care
to suggest an interface language. It'll be on a Linux box, presumably running apache although I'm open to alternatives. The app itself uses
sqlite3 for scheduling jobs and storing job data, so the web interface
only needs to be able to insert some data and do visualization
(pretty standard stuff I think).

Ease of learning is a plus as I need to get something basic up and running fairly fast. I've heard good things about Python in that respect.
Does anyone have alternative suggestions, or if you agree that Python Is Good, would you suggest using APSW, pysqlite, or something else?

Since noone has mentioned it yet, I'd suggest Brainfuck (http://www.muppetlabs.com/~breadbox/bf/). Very easy to learn (only eight instructions) so you should have something up and running pretty quickly. Notably, it has some of the most elegant code structure I've ever seen.


Richard Heyes

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