
Just a guess here, but wouldnt the idea then be to (manually) compile each source file, then link the object files with your own?

With MinGW/GCC I used dlltool to get obtain libsqlite3.a from sqlite3.dll and sqlite3.def, passing the -lsqlite3 parameter to GCC at link-time. The only file I actually used from the source was sqlite3.h
I have no idea how standard my method is, though.

Eugene Wee

Clay Dowling wrote:
I highly suspect that I'm being a dolt here, but I'm not seeing the obvious thing. I downloaded the preprocessed Win32 source code in hopes of compiling a static library for a Win32 release of a project that I'm working on. Unfortunately I couldn't find a makefile in the preprocessed .zip file.

What's necessary to compile a static library, assuming that I don't have the cygwin or msys packages installed that could (potentially) run the configure program. I noticed that SQLiteExplorer has a static link rather than using the DLL. Would anybody care to share their trick with this poor benighted soul? I've got the 3.2.0 source.

Clay Dowling

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