On Apr 5, 2005 6:54 AM, Chris Schirlinger <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Recently we tried to tie in with a third party program that calls one
> of our DLL's (which access the SQLite3 DB and returns a data set)
> [Note: We eventually started a fresh project for this DLL, so there
> was less of a chance legacy code was the issue]
> We don't control the EXE that calls our DLL, basically we export a
> couple of functions determined by the third party. The EXE that calls
> our DLL is written in C++
> Now the issue is, randomly, but ALWAYS within a few dozen calls, the
> function sqlite3_step access violates.The first 10 calls
> (sqlite3_prepare -> sqlite3_step -> sqlite3_finalise basically) work
> fine, then maybe the 11th sqlite3_step AV's

Sounds like the calling type is different. Do you know if the EXE is
calling your stuff using stdcall or cdecl, and does it match your
functions? If you don't specify, your functions are cdecl. I've seen
this kind of thing when they don't match. It may work a couple of
times, but eventually something blows up.

Joel Lucsy
"The dinosaurs became extinct because they didn't have a space
program." -- Larry Niven

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