Sadly, I have narrowed down the issue to some sort of memory clash 
between the SQLite3 DLL and the EXE that is calling our plugin

I can change the code to retrieve data from almost *anything* 
else.... from faked random data created on the fly, through ASCII CSV 
files loaded into TStringLists to ADO connections to large (slow) 
access databases, and it works fine

However the second I start using any functions in SQLite3 a crash is 
sure to follow.

In the simplest form, calling SQLite3_Open followed by SQLite3_Free 
is enough to eventually cause an access violation (eventually, not 
necessarly first time you call the Open, could be the tenth. or so 

Anyone have any ideas as to the best place in SQLite code to check 
the memory management so I can pose intilligent questions to the EXE 
developers? (Or any other ideas as to where to look before I delve 
that far?)

(Note this occures on all test machines, think we have ruled out any 
sort of memory chip failure)

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