On 9/8/05, D. Richard Hipp <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> So then, if there are no input rows at all (if no rows
> match the WHERE clause) then SUM returns 0. (This makes
> sense because if you say:
> SELECT sum(amt) FROM sales WHERE month='october';
> and you didn't sell anything in October, you want an
> answer of 0, not NULL.) Or if *some* of the entries are
> NULL, then the answer is the sum of the non-NULL entries.
> But if the number of entries is greater than zero and
> they are all NULL, then the answer is NULL.
> Logical, right????

A sum is the addition of a set of numbers. 

Your logic is correct if you make an assumption that there's always a zero 
to start with.
Then the sum of an empty set is: zero + (nothing) = zero. An empty set can't 
have a binary operation applied to it.

You could also argue "The Since there are no numbers, there is no sum."

Isn't this specified in cj date's SQL standards book someplace?

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