Sorry for the slow response.

My code is in C#.  I don't know if the amalgamation source code in C
can be compiled so it is compatible with C#.

If it can, I'd be interested in details.  Thanks!

On Sat, Feb 18, 2017 at 1:29 AM, R Smith <> wrote:
> On 2017/02/18 12:45 AM, Warren Young wrote:
>> On Feb 17, 2017, at 7:32 AM, R Smith <> wrote:
>>> You can even checkout the latest commits via SVN
>> There’s a Subversion mirror of the official Fossil code repository for
>> SQLite?
> Apologies, force of habit nomenclature. Have fallen to calling any Software
> Versioning system just 'SVN' for short. I did of course mean for it to be
> checked out via Fossil.
>> (Excuse the shortener, it’s a reeeealy long URL.)
>> I could give you that Zip file link, but I suspect it’s purposely not
>> being published to avoid load on the SQLite repository server caused by bots
>> repeatedly requesting Zip files and tarballs.
> The bots can read goo links nowadays. ;)
>> Using Fossil is far more efficient than downloading Zip archives, but as I
>> keep getting reminded in my own Fossil-hosted public project, some people
>> just refuse to install and use anything they don’t absolutely have to.  It’s
>> six easy steps, but apparently that’s too many for some.
> Agreed, and what is more sad is that Fossil is so much better at actual
> "Version-Control" (as opposed to making sharing code easiest). If we could
> get the rest of the World to rather Fossil, everybody wins. (I can already
> hear Linus clutching his chest and breathing erratically!)
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