On Thursday, 9 March, 2017 07:30, Dominique Devienne <ddevie...@gmail.com> 
> On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 3:05 PM, Keith Christian <keith1christ...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
> > At some point it's time to use a different database engine or offload
> > to other code.  Sqlite could easily burgeon to the size of the other
> > databases if everything asked for was included.  Where, then, would we
> > get a small but still functional SQL engine?

> Ah, here we go again :)  I knew this was coming.
> First, you can always #ifdef. Have you opened the amalgamation recently,
> and seen the large parts which can be enabled or disabled?
> Second, those basic math functions are no more (or less) important than
> the ones shipping with SQLite right now. By your argument, SQLite should ship
> with none.
> Third, you must have missed the evolution of SQLite these past few years
> which added large parts (FTS3|4|5, FKs, CTEs, RBU, Session, JSON1, Row
> Values, etc...) which are considerably larger than a few math functions.
> Last but not least, it's trivial to not use what's there and available and
> easily disabled at compiled time, or ignored at runtime.
> While using what's not there, and not readily available w/o developer
> skills, is considerably harder. --DD

Well, I compile my own SQLite3 Amalgamation which includes the following 

from the SQLite site:

 amatch.c carray.c closure.c compress.c csv.c eval.c
 fileio.c fuzzer.c ieee754.c nextchar.c percentile.c
 regexp.c rot13.c series.c showauth.c spellfix.c
 totype.c vfsstat.c vtshim.c wholenumber.c

but not:

sha1.c   shathree.c (and perhaps a couple more)

note that fileio.c and shathree.c are inlined into shell.c, so in order to 
remove them I have to modify shell.c to ifdef them out when I am building.  

Extensions to the SQLite engine should be in the SQLite3.c code, not the 
shell.c code.  In my opinion (and worth exactly what you are paying for it) 
extension functions should not be incorporated into shell.c at all, but the 
shell should be able to detect if they are present and adjust its behaviour 
accordingly, if that is desired, such as the new sha3sum dot-command.  This 
also avoids the issue where there is something available in the shell (such as 
the sha3 and fileio functions) that are not available in the corresponding DLL.

and some third-party extensions:

 unifuzz.c interpolate.c sqlite_mprint.c

plus my own extensions:

 ipaddress.c    IPv4/v6 PtoN/NtoP/Collation/SubnetMembership
 sqlautobusy.c  Automatically ensures busy_timeout
 sqlfcmp.c      Proper Floating Point comparisons and Half-Even rounding
 sqlfunc.c      A bunch of running statistical functions including proper 
 sqlfwin.c      A bunch of useful Windows API functions 
(GetUser/SID/translation/token membership, etc)
 sqlmath.c      The entire standard gnu math library
 sqlhash.c      md2/md4/md5/sha1hard/sha2/sha3 in pure C

The compiled size is:
32-bit versions
2017-03-08  22:01         1,623,936 SQLite3.dll
2017-03-08  22:01            94,080 SQLite3d.exe
2017-03-08  22:01         1,668,992 SQLite3s.exe

and the 64-bit version
2017-03-08  21:57         1,674,624 SQLite3.dll
2017-03-08  21:57           100,224 SQLite3d.exe
2017-03-08  21:57         1,742,720 SQLite3s.exe

which is double the size, at least, of the base SQLite3.dll (I include all the 
same RTREE, FTS, JSON, etc).  So adding extensions does increase the size 
significantly.  However, this is not going to be running on memory constrained 
devices either.  The APSW modules are each about 200K bigger than the base 

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