tclsh, aside from the inconvenience of prefixing every sql statement with
"db eval {", looks like a great way to gain the equivalent functionality of
scalar output stored procedures compared to the plain vanilla sqlite shell.

Is there anything in the works for the tcl bindings to define/export
eponymous table definitions?

Or alternatively, notwithstanding rough at the edges problems in the type
system like typeof(1/0)->null, is there anything in the works to return row
valued scalars from tcl defined extensions?

Thanks in advance for your insights.

On Thu, Mar 9, 2017 at 6:03 AM, Richard Hipp <> wrote:

> On 3/8/17, Vermes Mátyás <> wrote:
> > I rewrote the program for you to C.
> Thank you for the translation.
> Below is the equivalent program in 34 lines of TCL.  (Compare to 101
> lines of Ruby and 430 lines of C++.  Everybody: If you are unfamiliar
> with the TCL programming language, you would do well to learn it, and
> start using it.  It will save you a lot of work.)
> -------------------------------------- cut here
> ----------------------------
> package require sqlite3
> sqlite3 db :memory:
> db eval {
>   CREATE TABLE proba(
>     szamla VARCHAR(24) COLLATE rtrim NOT NULL,
>     devnem CHAR(3) COLLATE rtrim,
>     megnevezes VARCHAR(30) COLLATE rtrim,
>     osszeg NUMERIC(17,2),
>     tulmenflag BOOLEAN,
>     konyvkelt DATE,
>     megjegyzes BLOB
>   );
>   CREATE UNIQUE INDEX proba_primarykey ON proba(szamla, devnem);
>   CREATE INDEX proba_nev ON proba(megnevezes, szamla);
>   INSERT INTO proba(szamla,devnem,megnevezes)
> VALUES('000000000000000000000000','HUF','BLACK');
>   INSERT INTO proba(szamla,devnem,megnevezes)
> VALUES('111111111111111111111111','HUF','WHITE');
>   INSERT INTO proba(szamla,devnem,megnevezes)
> VALUES('222222222222222222222222','HUF','WHITE');
>   INSERT INTO proba(szamla,devnem,megnevezes)
> VALUES('333333333333333333333333','HUF','BLACK');
>   INSERT INTO proba(szamla,devnem,megnevezes)
> VALUES('444444444444444444444444','HUF','WHITE');
>   INSERT INTO proba(szamla,devnem,megnevezes)
> VALUES('555555555555555555555555','HUF','WHITE');
>   INSERT INTO proba(szamla,devnem,megnevezes)
> VALUES('666666666666666666666666','HUF','BLACK');
>   INSERT INTO proba(szamla,devnem,megnevezes)
> VALUES('777777777777777777777777','HUF','WHITE');
>   INSERT INTO proba(szamla,devnem,megnevezes)
> VALUES('888888888888888888888888','HUF','WHITE');
>   INSERT INTO proba(szamla,devnem,megnevezes)
> VALUES('999999999999999999999999','HUF','BLACK');
> }
> db eval BEGIN
> set cnt 0
> db eval {SELECT szamla, megnevezes FROM proba} {
>   incr cnt
>   puts "$cnt: $szamla $megnevezes"
>   db eval {UPDATE proba SET megnevezes=megnevezes||'*' WHERE
> szamla=$szamla}
> }
> db eval COMMIT
> -------------------------------------- End ------------------------------
> ------
> As Dan already observed, the problem results because you are modifying
> an index in the middle of a scan of that index, thereby messing up the
> scan.  Don't do that.  The safest approach is to run the query to
> completion, then go back and start the loop over UPDATEs.
> If you add "ORDER BY +rowid" to the query, that forces the query to
> run to completion first and then go through the sorter, before you get
> any results back, which solves the problem.
> --
> D. Richard Hipp
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