On 3/7/17, Vermes Mátyás <ver...@comfirm.hu> wrote:
>> It is also unnecessarily complex and slow.
> The script ... is written in Ruby so that
> everybody can run it, and see its _results_.

The point is that I cannot run your Ruby script on my Ubuntu desktop
because I get an error:

`require': cannot load such file -- sqlite3 (LoadError)

No doubt there is some magic command (that I do not know) that I could
run that would load the necessary components.  But then I would only
be able to run ruby using whatever version of SQLite the package
supplier choose to bundle.  I would not be able to debug it.  I would
not be able to test a proposed fix.

Perhaps I could take some time and figure out the Ruby language, and
how to compile the SQLite Ruby Gem from scratch, then set up a
development environment so that I could debug a Ruby script.  That
might take a few hours, or a few days.  Why are you wanting me to work
so hard at this?

Wouldn't it be a lot easier if you just tell us what you think the
problem is, in words?

D. Richard Hipp
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