On 10 May 2017, at 9:26pm, Ward WIllats <sqlite-us...@wardco.com> wrote:

> But, we didn't do this in this case because a "disk full" error is not the 
> CORRUPT or NOTADB error we expected to see to trigger the panic. So I was 
> surprised, but...

I suspect that your initial post is correct, and the "disk full" error is not 
genuine, but instead caused by corruption in the file.  Perhaps by the erratic 
figure for max_page_count that you noted, or some other number associated with 
page management.

I’m concerned that this sort of corruption is happening repeatedly.  Whether or 
not there’s anything in howtocorrupt.html that rings any bells, you can rely on 
us to help figure out what’s wrong.

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