Am 17.05.2017 um 19:08 schrieb David Raymond:

The unique index on DistinguishedName though is what gets used for that sub 
query of the insert, so most definitely keep that one index for the whole load. 
(The others can be left out until the end though)

I once had a similar scenario, and solved it with good speed -
by following Simons suggestion to Drop all indexes first -
and then I've "manually ensured Uniqueness" over a DB-
independent, normal HashList for fast "Exists-lookups".

After the import went through (with about 300000 records/sec),
I've freed the HashList and recreated the Indexes on the DB.

Not sure though, how many unique "DistinguishedNames" Joseph
has to manage in his scenario (risking out-of-memory on the


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