On 2017/06/15 10:15 AM, Paul Sanderson wrote:
Thanks Richard - the View approach is fine for my needs - just wanted to
know what the rationale was for the imposter tables given the ability to
simulate the imposter table with a view.

I'm thinking the easiest way to describe it is perhaps in programming terms - a view is like a function that computes and produces a result that may or may not be a simple reflection of an internal variable,
an imposter table is rather more like a variable that lives at the same memory address as another data structure so that querying it queries the underlying structure direct (this part is also achievable by a view), but changes to it also change in the underlying data structure (very unlike a view).

This is great if you are looking for a way to update an index independently from its data, but is also, as has been pointed out numerous times, quite dangerous - but then, breaking it is mostly fixable by a simple REINDEX.

Not sure if you can install such an imposter table on a corrupt database file, moreso than a View anyway, but that actually might have some utility towards retrieving or fixing (or at least gaining a better understanding of) a corrupted data table / index, which I think Paul might be interested in.

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