R Smith >

>> 2. Do not use the sqlite3.exe CLI if the data use anything more than
>> the basic latin alphabet. Instead, use a GUI application (eg. for
>> Windows, SQLite Studio, SQLitespeed, etc.)

> Every lesson is valuable! Just to be clear - there is nothing wrong with using the CLI. When pointing it to a file that is correctly encoded the import must work correctly (if not, it's a bug) - It's just difficult to enter weird and wonderful Unicode characters outside the BMP basic Latin plane (the first 127 code-points) via the console, or do queries using them, all because the Windows console specifically is not Unicode-enabled.

Yes, I should have been more precise: Using the CLI for importing data works fine; It's when typing accented characers that it fails.

> As an aside - I never understood the reasons for that.

Beats me. Maybe there is some legacy code somewhere deep in Windows' bowels that explains why the console (cmd.exe) isn't yet Unicode-capable.

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