On 26 June 2017 at 16:55, Scott Robison <sc...@casaderobison.com> wrote:

> Byte Order Mark isn't perfectly descriptive when used with UTF-8. Neither
> is dialing a cell phone. Language evolves.

It's not descriptive in the slightest because UTF-8's byte order is
*specified by the encoding*.

 I'm not advocating one way or
> another, but if a system strips U+FEFF from a text stream after using it to
> determine the encoding, surely it is reasonable to expect that for all
> supported encodings.

?? Are you going to strip 0xFE 0xFF from the front of my iso8859-1 encoded
stream and drop my beautiful smiley? þÿ
Different encodings demand different treatment. BOM is an artifact of
16/32-bit unicode encodings and can kindly keep its nose out of [the
relatively elegant] UTF-8.

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