When compiling sqlite3.c for the iOS platform, the compiler emits a custom 
warning "gethostuuid() is disabled”, triggered by a #warn directive (see code 

I understand why gethostuuid() isn’t available: the iOS platform intentionally 
blocks 3rd party apps from accessing device-specific UUIDs, to avoid privacy 
problems caused by ad networks that try to correlate a user’s activity across 
apps or across reinstalls of an app.

What I don’t understand is why SQLite would want to call gethostuuid(), or what 
functionality might be lost by its absence. 

Also, usually a compiler warning means the developer is doing something 
questionable or dangerous; but in this case the warning is triggered simply by 
the presence of a target platform, which isn’t something the developer has any 
control over. So it doesn’t seem useful to produce this warning when there’s 
nothing that can be done about it.


PS: The code that triggers the warning is:

#if defined(__APPLE__) && ((__MAC_OS_X_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED > 1050) || \
                           (__IPHONE_OS_VERSION_MIN_REQUIRED > 2000))
#  if (!defined(TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED) || (TARGET_OS_EMBEDDED==0)) \
#    define HAVE_GETHOSTUUID 1
#  else
#    warning "gethostuuid() is disabled."
#  endif

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