Good morning all

Sorry for the long email.  I'm back to using SQLite after some years away
from it and from databases in general, so a bit rusty.  I'be been trying to
figure this out for almost a week now but can't quite get my head around it
although I think I understand the principles.

My problem is I am not sure how to calculate between rows.  I have looked
at many examples online and tried hard to adapt them into my scenario but
after a week of it its getting frustrationg.

We have a small db that monitors disk space on 40-odd servers in a
manufacturing situation.  We monitor disk growth day by day every 6 hours
so we can project forward what we will need in the coming years and how
long current space will last with some new kit coming on stream.

A vbscript (we have old legacy kit that doesn't understand Powershell) runs
a regular WMI query and simply pulls of the disk data.

I have a simple import table: id, servername, drive, capacity, used_mb,
free_mb, free_pc (%) and a date_time field.  I have a large number of csv
files to import and crunch, so I simply need to subtract the previous
Used_mb, free_mb and free_pc values from the curent ones to get the disk
data.  I want to do:

new Used_mb - old used mb
old free_mb - new free_mb
old free_pc -new free_pc

(its in Mb because its the best value for what I need.  I'll convert it
later as needed)

I understand I can do a self-join and create a virtual table but don't
really understand how it works.
 tried something like

FROM   (SELECT servername, date_time, drive, used_mb
        FROM   tmp_dspace_import
        GROUP BY servername, drive, date_time) a
JOIN   (SELECT servername, date_time(getdate) -1, drive, used_mb
        FROM   tmp_dspace_import
         GROUP BY servername, drive, date_time) b
ON     a.servername = b.servername AND a.used_mb > b.used_mb AND
a.date_time > b.date_time

just getting really confused now.

I have ammended the script to import direct into the db after generating
the csv file and I want to run the update there either as an UPDATE or a

Its in a db because I have other purposes I can use the data for.   The
import table is a temp location.

Hope this helps and I'm not waffling here.
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