On Thu, Sep 28, 2017 at 11:55 AM, Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

> On 28 Sep 2017, at 3:31pm, pisymbol . <pisym...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Specificially, if thread 1 and 2 both have a handle to sqlite3 with full
> > mutex, then both could start a transaction simultaneously, one will win
> the
> > other will wait, [snip]
> By "serialised" the documentation means that no two SQL commands will be
> allowed to take place at the same time.  But SQL can’t separate your two
> different threads into two different sources of commands.  As far as its
> concerned, anything which uses your single connection is part fo the same
> command-stream.  So if one part of your program executes BEGIN then
> everything from any source from then onwards is part of the same
> transaction until some part of your program executes "COMMIT".
> If you want your program to execute two different transactions at the same
> time (and handle the bookkeeping necessary to make one wait for the other
> to complete) you must use two different connections.  And if you have three
> independent parts of your program which may all depend on transaction
> isolation, you need three connections

So even with full mutex, if I have thread 1 issue a "BEGIN" and it starts
processing, and another thread 2 issues a "BEGIN" somewhere in between
that, the other thread will just flat out fail because a transaction has
already started for thread 1. Is that correct?

MAN, the doc is very unclear about this.

> > I can't find where a single thread
> > of execution could issue "BEGIN" twice in my code though I did find that
> I
> > was calling sqlite3_lastrow_insert() twice in a row by accident but I
> don't
> > know how that could cause the above.)
> Do you use _prepare(), _step(), _finalize() for a multi-row SELECT
> anywhere ?  What probably happened is that one thread executed _step() for
> a multi-row SELECT.  That means it is in the middle of a SELECT command, so
> it wouldn’t have released its lock on the database.    Only when a _step()
> command has reached the end of the rows and returned SQLITE_DONE (or an
> error) is the SQL command over, at which point SQLite can end the
> transaction.

Before I answer that, can you please confirm the above?

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