Am 27.10.2017 um 21:11 schrieb Richard Hipp:
Thanks for the report.

Do you have any other interesting, complex, or slow queries using your database that you can send me for testing purposes?

With regards to the NWind.db, the Invoices-View is the
one with the largest processing-time.
NWind.db is a direct Import from an (MS-JET-based),
NWind.mdb - and the View-Defs are nearly identical.

The MS-JET-Engine needs about 35msec for the Invoices-View BTW.
whereas SQLite 3.17 (for directly executed SQL, as well as the View):
- 14msec (before "Analyze" -> on a fresh created DB)
- 10msec (after  "Analyze" ran once against the DB-Connection)

and as said, with the new 3.21 I got:
- 24msec (before "Analyze", running the View)
- 15msec (before "Analyze", running direct SQL)
- 19msec (after  "Analyze", running the View)
- 10msec (after  "Analyze", running direct SQL)

Other (larger) File-DBs I use, are only large due to
FTS4/FTS5-Virtual-Tables - and there everything is
"fast enough" (typically I get my resultsets from
those in under 3msec).

Our main-usage of SQLite in Applications is local settings-storage
and InMemory-DBs (for "parking" larger resultsets App-internally,
which came in from https-WebRequests or over ADO->MS-SQLServer).

Kind Regards,


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