This is interesting, not so much for the performance regression, but for
the fact that the posted Northwind database has
spaces in table names and view names. I wasn't aware this is allowed and it
caused a lot of errors in my app. I have this
nearly fixed now (by adding the square brackets), but I am left with one
problem. This is the fact that for example the view
Product Sales for 1997 has a UDF in the view definition: DatePart.
Obviously this is causing an error:
no such function: DatePart
I know there is the compile option SQLITE_ENABLE_UNKNOWN_SQL_FUNCTION, but
will only avoid the error for

Is there a way to handle this with a compile option or otherwise, so that
instead of an error a Null will be produced or just the
original value?


On Sat, Oct 28, 2017 at 7:05 AM, Olaf Schmidt <> wrote:

> Am 27.10.2017 um 21:11 schrieb Richard Hipp:
>> Thanks for the report.
>> Do you have any other interesting, complex, or slow queries using your
>> database that you can send me for testing purposes?
> With regards to the NWind.db, the Invoices-View is the
> one with the largest processing-time.
> NWind.db is a direct Import from an (MS-JET-based),
> NWind.mdb - and the View-Defs are nearly identical.
> The MS-JET-Engine needs about 35msec for the Invoices-View BTW.
> whereas SQLite 3.17 (for directly executed SQL, as well as the View):
> - 14msec (before "Analyze" -> on a fresh created DB)
> - 10msec (after  "Analyze" ran once against the DB-Connection)
> and as said, with the new 3.21 I got:
> - 24msec (before "Analyze", running the View)
> - 15msec (before "Analyze", running direct SQL)
> - 19msec (after  "Analyze", running the View)
> - 10msec (after  "Analyze", running direct SQL)
> Other (larger) File-DBs I use, are only large due to
> FTS4/FTS5-Virtual-Tables - and there everything is
> "fast enough" (typically I get my resultsets from
> those in under 3msec).
> Our main-usage of SQLite in Applications is local settings-storage
> and InMemory-DBs (for "parking" larger resultsets App-internally,
> which came in from https-WebRequests or over ADO->MS-SQLServer).
> Kind Regards,
> Olaf
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