* Richard Hipp:

> On 6/13/18, Brian Curley <bpcur...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Doesn't the Fossil site already have a Capcha interface built into it that
>> could be adopted to enforce additional authentication around subscriptions?
> There are no captchas built into GNU MailMan.  You enter your email
> address to subscribe and you get a confirmation email.  Click on a
> link in the confirmation email.  Then your subscription goes to
> moderation.  After the moderator approves, you are signed up.

Some largish operators use CAPTCHAs:


But wouldn't any replacement that allows email notification have
exactly the same signup issue?  Sure, you might only have one pending
signup request per email instead per list, but if the bots are
actually targeting innocent users, for most recipients, they can just
use multiple aliases of the form <mailbo...@example.com>,
<mailbo...@example.com>, and so on.
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