The latest version of Mailman does implement a Captcha (via reCaptcha).
Also, if you set mm_cfg.SUBSCRIBE_FORM_SECRET to a secret value, Mailman
will insist that the subscription form be submitted after a slight delay,
which defaults to 5 seconds. This features exists in the version currently
used by the mailing list (2.1.20).

I have downloaded the source code (version 2.1.20) and am looking into
adding code to limit the rate of subscriptions for a given e-mail address
to a configurable value. Something like 1 to 2 days should do the trick.


On Wed, Jun 13, 2018 at 12:15 PM Richard Hipp <> wrote:

> On 6/13/18, Brian Curley <> wrote:
> > Doesn't the Fossil site already have a Capcha interface built into it
> that
> > could be adopted to enforce additional authentication around
> subscriptions?
> There are no captchas built into GNU MailMan.  You enter your email
> address to subscribe and you get a confirmation email.  Click on a
> link in the confirmation email.  Then your subscription goes to
> moderation.  After the moderator approves, you are signed up.
> The above system works fine to keep nefarious actors out of the subscriber
> list.
> But that is not the problem.  The problem is that the bad guys don't
> care about getting onto the subscriber list.  They just want to
> generate as many bogus confirmation emails as they can, to harass the
> people who are receiving the confirmation emails.
> The obvious solution in GNU Mailman would be to only allow a single
> confirmation email to go out per email address.  After that one email,
> the corresponding email address is never allowed to sign up again.
> This simple fix is complicated by several factors:
> (1) Nobody seems to want to own the GNU MailMan software.  It is not
> well maintained as far as I can see.
> (2) MailMan does not seem to use a database other than the filesystem
> and perhaps Python Pickle files, at least not that I have found, so
> recording extra information such as who has previously requested a
> subscription involves major structural changes to the code.
> (3) MailMan itself seems to be a collection of scripts that must be
> all installed in multiple well-known directories.  It is difficult to
> identify what files are part of the MailMan implementation and what
> files are not, making maintenance error-prone for people (like me) who
> are unfamiliar with where to find all the pieces.
> (4) There is a GNU MailMan mailing list, but in my past interactions,
> there was nobody there who was willing to help with spam problems.
> --
> D. Richard Hipp
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