On 2018/06/29 10:23 PM, Thomas Kurz wrote:
b) I think that noone wants type affinity to be actually removed. I'd just like an option to make SQLite behave like any other DBMS and
- respect the data type declared for a column
- reject column definitions with invalid types (e.g. "STRING")

Indeed, but that option does exist, it's called CHECK constraints (and if you would like to get elaborate, even Triggers), but I also note Bob's point that these do consume more resources (probably significantly more in the case of Triggers) than had it been a Type-constraint.  A major advantage is that you can be the author of when to check and when not to, you can be the author of what /exactly/ to check - DB Engines vary in how they check[*], but with SQLite you are the master of your destiny.

[*] - A good example is a VARCHAR(3) constraint. Adding the string "MAMA" into that field will, depending on the DB: - FAIL your query with an error in MSSQL, one that may never have popped up during dev cycle but suddenly do in production. - Truncate the string to "MAM" in MySQL, without an error at all, just kill some data and move on!
- Put the string "MAMA" into the DB without an error in SQLite.

Which of these do you prefer? Whichever it is, you can mimic it in SQLite with a trigger or check constraint. What you cannot do though, is mimic SQLite's behaviour in any other Engine. Think about that.

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