Just to nitpick :

SQLite version 3.16.0 2016-11-04 19:09:39
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
Connected to a transient in-memory database.

sqlite> with recursive count_down(v) as (
   ...>     select 5
   ...>     union all
   ...>     select n - 1 from count_down where n > 0
   ...>   )
   ...>   select * from count_down;
Error: no such column: n

should have been  (replacing 'n' with 'v'):

sqlite> with recursive count_down(v) as (select 5 union all select v - 1
from count_down where v  > 0)
   ...>  select * from count_down;

John Gillespie

On 20 July 2018 at 14:14, Christian Duta <christian.d...@uni-tuebingen.de>

> R Smith-2 wrote
> > The query above is perfectly defined. In fact, it works in PostgreSQL.
> > PostgreSQL's manual also has a very nice explanation of how recursive
> > queries are evaluated.
> The way PostgreSQL handles recursive queries was one of my motivations to
> post about this.
> PostgreSQL allows for recursive references inside subqueries like the one I
> posted.
> R Smith-2 wrote
> >> That said, the query above can be simplified as follows:
> >>
> >>   with recursive count_down(v) as (
> >>     select 5
> >>     union all
> >>     select n - 1 from count_down where n > 0
> >>   )
> >>   select * from count_down;
> >>
> >> which is what the OP has likely done.
> >
> > I think the OP tried something a bit more complex, and then tried to
> > reduce it to a simple example to post here, perhaps deceptively simple.
> > However, it's still possible that his actual complex query might be
> > refined into such a simpler form.
> You're right, the queries I have in mind are complex. And readability would
> greatly improve
> with a feature like recursive references inside subqueries.
> Recursive queries are often difficult to read anyway, so having a feature
> which improves
> readability is a *big* plus in my book.
> But: My questions have more of a technical background than a practical one.
> I try to figure out *why* SQLite decided to forbid a recursive reference be
> placed inside a subquery.
> Is there a technical reason? Or did the developer explicitly decide against
> recursive references inside
> subqueries because of the SQL standard?
> And of course: are there plans to allow for recursive references inside
> subqueries?
> Best regards,
> Christian Duta
> --
> Sent from: http://sqlite.1065341.n5.nabble.com/
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