On 10/25/2018 11:13 PM, siscia wrote:
Hi all,

I am facing an interesting optimization problem.

I have a table like this:

    start int,
    end int,
    value int,

The query that I am interested in optimizing is "select value from ranges
where (? between start and end)"

The max performance that I was able to get is 250 results/second with a
covering index on all three columns.

Now, if I do a more classic "select value from ranges where start = ?" this
provides 140000 results/second

So I am pretty sure that I am doing something quite wrong.

Do you guys have any idea of what it could be? How can I obtain better

Your query is the same as "start <= ? AND end >= ?". The trouble is that SQlite can only use the index to optimize one of "start <= ?" or "end >= ?". And so you might be iterating through a very large set of records to extract the ones you want.

R-tree might work for you:



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