> Le 26 oct. 2018 à 09:27, siscia <sisciamir...@yahoo.com> a écrit :
> thanks for your suggestions, unfortunately, I already tried all of them,
> except for the rtrees.
> Actually, my request for help wasn't complete.
> The ranges I am storing in the table are not overlapping.
> To make an example in SQL.
> The following can be in the dataset:
> INSERT INTO ranges(1, 10, 5);
> INSERT INTO ranges(15, 29, 8);
> INSERT INTO ranges(30, 32, 9);
> However, there will never be something like:
> INSERT INTO ranges(1, 10, 5);
> INSERT INTO ranges(5, 15, 8); -- impossible, overlap with the first one

What if the data was structured differently?

> CREATE TABLE ranges (
>    start int,
>    end int,
>    value int,
> );


   start int,
   range int,   -- on the basis that start + range = end
   value int,

> INSERT INTO ranges(1, 10, 5);
> INSERT INTO ranges(15, 29, 8);
> INSERT INTO ranges(30, 32, 9);


INSERT INTO ranges(1, 9, 5);
INSERT INTO ranges(15, 14, 8);
INSERT INTO ranges(30, 2, 9);

and you have:

CREATE INDEX idx_ranges on ranges(start);

> select value from ranges
> where (? between start and end)


SELECT value FROM ranges where (? between start AND start+range);

Best Regards, Meilleures salutations, Met vriendelijke groeten,
Olivier Mascia

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