The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

On Thursday, 25 October, 2018 10:48, Dan Kennedy <danielk1...@gmail.com> wrote:
>On 10/25/2018 11:13 PM, siscia wrote:
>> I am facing an interesting optimization problem.
>> I have a table like this:
>> CREATE TABLE ranges (
>>     start int,
>>     end int,
>>     value int,
>> );
>> The query that I am interested in optimizing is "select value from
>> where (? between start and end)"
>> The max performance that I was able to get is 250 results/second
>with a
>> covering index on all three columns.

>And so you might be iterating through a very large set of records
>to extract the ones you want.

>R-tree might work for you:
>   https://sqlite.org/rtree.html

create virtual table ranges using rtree(id, minX, maxX, +value);
insert into ranges (minX, maxX, value) 
select x.value - y.value, x.value + y.value, x.value 
  from generate_series as x 
  join generate_series as y 
 where x.start = 1 and x.stop = 10000 
   and y.start = 1 and y.stop = 10000;
-- data insertion is about 10 times slower
select count(*) from ranges where 25 between minX and maxX;
-- 50254399
-- Run Time: real 3.473 user 3.468750 sys 0.000000
select count(*) from ranges where minX <= 25 and 25 <= MaxX;
-- 50254399
-- Run Time: real 3.533 user 3.546875 sys 0.000000

Execution time is not significantly quicker, at least for this data ... but the 
"BETWEEN" version is a tad quicker than the devolved version ...

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