On Tue, Dec 18, 2018 at 3:14 PM Simon Slavin <slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:

> On 18 Dec 2018, at 9:00pm, Peter da Silva <res...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I have to say I'm pretty boggled that Chrome allows hostile users to
> feed code directly into an SQL interpreter that wasn't written from the
> ground up to be secure.
> Chrome has problems far more serious than that.  And one can do all sorts
> of nasty things in Chrome extensions.  It's difficult for the developers of
> Chrome to both prevent exploits by webmaster and extension writers, and
> also allow those people to do wonderful, entirely legitimate, things.  At
> the level of making an API call it's not possible for the called function
> to work out whether it's being used legitimately or not without a lot of
> extra processing which would make it so slow nobody would use it.
> The tencent.com report is not entirely straightforward about precisely
> where the problem lies, and what an exploit could do.  It would be just as
> useful a report if it mentioned the problem in Chrome and avoided all
> mention of SQLite.  And implying that SQLite ever had a remote code
> execution problem is incorrect.
> Simon.
Except the problem isn't just in Chrome. Apparently, any system that allows
SQL injection is vulnerable. Since SQLite can be used as a file format to
transport application data (https://www.sqlite.org/appfileformat.html),
other applications might be also be vulnerable. It's not hard to conceive
of exploiting an application with a "restore from backup" feature. How
"remote" the RCE is depends on the application architecture. I'm thankful
that SQLite works really well for my use cases, and also that I have
sandboxed all of my code to run in unprivileged accounts.

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