On Tuesday, 18 December, 2018 14:50, Nathan Green <ngr...@inco5.com> wrote:

>Except the problem isn't just in Chrome. Apparently, any system that
>allows SQL injection is vulnerable. Since SQLite can be used as a file
>format to transport application data 
>other applications might be also be vulnerable. It's not hard to
>conceive of exploiting an application with a "restore from backup" 

But this is not an SQLite3 problem.  This is a crap design of the application 
problem as the precondition "any system that allows SQL injection is 
vulnerable" is an absolute requirement.  If you prohibit that precondition, the 
issue cannot exist (though I suppose it would be possible for a malicious 
application to deliberately send malicious SQL, but again, this is an 
application problem, not an SQLite3 problem).

>How "remote" the RCE is depends on the application architecture. I'm
>thankful that SQLite works really well for my use cases, and also that I have
>sandboxed all of my code to run in unprivileged accounts.

Allāhu Akbar!  (Facing north cuz, well, some other people failed spherical 
geometry in grade school)

Hanging curtains (and closing them) on the bedroom windows to prevent the 
neighbours over the way from peeping in through the one-way glass and taking 
pictures of your naughty bits is the prudent thing to do.  You can giggle and 
"move along, nothing to see here" when the peeper over the way puts pictures of 
your neighbour in the local newspaper because he believed the glass vendors 
claim of the one-way-ness of the glazing and ignore all the kerfufle that 
ensues (with a nice glass of single malt and a bag of popcorn).

I have been told that it is "not fair" to implement proper security and protect 
oneself in advance and that one should follow the "Best Practice" and view the 
world though the fog of short-sightedness so induced in such a manner as to 
create the most "Oh Shit" moments possible and to avoid giggling when something 
that cannot possibly affect me affects my lesser prepared neighbours ...
The fact that there's a Highway to Hell but only a Stairway to Heaven says a 
lot about anticipated traffic volume.

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