On 12/19/18 7:51 PM, James K. Lowden wrote:
On Tue, 18 Dec 2018 17:34:29 -0500
Dennis Clarke <dcla...@blastwave.org> wrote:

some serious reading and experiments are needed to get a good
handle on why numerical computation is as much art as it is science.
If we wander into the problem without sufficient study and VERY
careful consideration then we are doomed to repeat the errors of the

I think perhaps you left out "Numerical Methods for Scientists and
Engineers", by Richard Hamming.  :-)

I figure that if you are in the industry and have any experience at all
then you know that old gem by heart.

A more interesting topic of discussion would be the speed and complexity
of circuitry designed for another number base such as 5 or even decimal.
All of our collective experience over the past fifty years has been
marching towards ever more effective digital logic for our de facto
standard binary using the usual circuit assumptions and Moore's law has
been profitable to so many corporations. Anyone can manufacture a 15nm
product with $15M thus here we are in 2018 looking at verilog designs
and 9nm multi-layer manufacturing for the next decade.  We are caught
collectively in the economics and thinking of binary. So we should look
away from that for a moment. I do NOT mean the usual undergrad 4 bit
adder logic which we all know entirely too well. Let's go lower down
into the switch design that shall render sensor logic with at least ten
voltage levels and perhaps, in my own ideas, twelve for guard logic at
either end of the range.  The real issue on the table initially would be
transducer slew rates and noise control. Anyway, this is all off topic
at this point.

Dennis Clarke

ps: feel free to see https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOC7KmHvx9w
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