On 1/19/19, andrew.g...@l3t.com <andrew.g...@l3t.com> wrote:
> I was actually thinking about this earlier today, how I'd signed the
> contributor agreement for SQLite at the same time as I did for Fossil, yet
> only ever asked for commit access for Fossil.  Would you consider letting me
> help with SQLite documentation?

I checked the fire-safe and found your SQLite Contributors Agreement
dated 2011-10-27.  At least, I assume it is yours.  It is signed just
"Andy Goth" and it has no address or other contact information.

Just so that no questions arise later, please fill out the form
(https://www.sqlite.org/copyright-release.pdf) again with your
complete contact information and send me just an email scan this time,
via private email. I will reply with your login credentials for

D. Richard Hipp
sqlite-users mailing list

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