Richard Hipp wrote:
> On 1/19/19, wrote:
> > I was actually thinking about this earlier today, how I'd signed the
> > contributor agreement for SQLite at the same time as I did for Fossil,
> > yet only ever asked for commit access for Fossil.  Would you consider
> > letting me help with SQLite documentation?
> I checked the fire-safe and found your SQLite Contributors Agreement
> dated 2011-10-27.  At least, I assume it is yours.  It is signed just
> "Andy Goth" and it has no address or other contact information.

Yeah, I signed the forms in your hotel room immediately following the AlcoBOF 
at the Tcl/Tk Conference, so it is indeed possible we skipped a few steps.

> Just so that no questions arise later, please fill out the form
> ( again with your complete
> contact information and send me just an email scan this time, via
> private email. I will reply with your login credentials for

I'll get that taken care of Monday when I have access to a good scanner.
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