I have reorganized the archive and got all the source into it this time.


A few notes:

1) This has nothing to do with the RPC based uSQLite project, which I
have found has the same name! That project does seem a bit dead thougth
so I shall not worry about it.

2) I have found a sec flaw where a read only user can write to the db.
Have you spotted it? There will be a fix soon....

3) When designing uSQLite, portability and the ease of implementing
clients where prime considerations rather than performance. Thats why I
used ASCII on sockets rather than a binary protocol or RPC's. However, I
have found that the system is nontheless **very** fast. Thinking it
througth, ASCII is not a handicap. Strings take the same space whilst
numbers require 1 byte per digit plus terminator, i.e. they may often
require less (int=42 would require 3 bytes to be sent). ASCII does make
things so much simpler at the framing level however, and it's easier to

4) Am I doing the right thing? Of course I think the uSQLiteServer is
the best thing since sliced bread, but then it was designed to meet my
criteria :-) OTOH reception has been mixed. I have had a couple of nice
replies on this list but overall feedback has been lukewarm to icy. I
would be interested to know if anybody out there really is interested
in the concept, otherwise I shall just keep it to myself ;-)

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