> On May 22, 2019, at 3:55 PM, James K. Lowden <jklow...@schemamania.org> wrote:
> I've always thought user-defined types were unnecessary except as a 
> convenience.

User-defined types are quite important if you’re doing fancy stuff in 
user-defined functions, where data that’s stored in tables as blobs has an 
internal structure visible to those functions. (JSON is a good example, and the 
reason why SQLite added its ‘subtypes’ feature.)

The biggest limitation with ‘subtypes’ is that they only exist during the 
execution of a query; they’re not visible in the final results. So when using 
the result of a query, one only sees a blob, with no indication what subtype of 
blob it is. In the project I work on, this has caused us some problems and 
required inelegant workarounds.

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