oops, spoke too soon. I now have two builds - one built using 10.2 (PB) and the other built using 10.4 (Xcode). I reboot into system 10.2, both builds work as expected. However, when booting into system 10.4, both builds are sluggish (not just a little bit slow - like 20 seconds to do a job that take 1-2 seconds under 10.2). The same thing happens for a fresh install of 10.4 on a different external drive.

Running from the shell also shows significant differences between the systems. The following script, which creates a table and does 100 inserts, takes 4-5 times longer to run in system 10.4 than in system 10.2.

any further feedback welcome



----- start of script -----



/usr/local/bin/sqlite3 $myfile "create table table1( one varchar (24), two smallint);";
/usr/local/bin/sqlite3  $myfile "delete from table1";


for ((i=1; i <= 100 ; i++))
/usr/local/bin/sqlite3 $myfile "insert into table1 (one, two) values ('some textual data - $i', $i)";
if (test $next -eq 9) then
                echo "inserted $i items ..."
                next=$(($next + 1))

/usr/local/bin/sqlite3  $myfile 'select * from  table1';

----- end of script -----

On 01/12/2005, at 9:45 PM, ozemail (pcferrett) wrote:

On 25/11/2005, at 7:14 PM, Jens Miltner wrote:

Hi Jens

These are some really good questions. I had to reinstall system 10.2 (with a little foresight, probably should have had installed the systems on different partitions in the first place). I rebuilt the files with project builder in 10.2. The app worked fine. This build also worked fine when rebooting in system 10.4. I then rebuilt the app in system 10.2 linking to the sqlite build I did under 10.4. This also worked fine. Magically, when rebooting into 10.4 and converting this PB project to xcode and rebuilding, the build worked!

In summary, I have no idea what the original problem was, but its working fine now. Thanks for the tips and feedback all.



no hot resolution tip here, but a couple of points you may want to investigate:

- Are you sure it's related to your move to Mac OS X 10.4?
- Did you try the same query with the same database in your 10.2 build? - If the updated app is still running on 10.2 - what are the results if running on 10.2?

I have tried killing spolight and disabling dashboard widgets. no luck there.

- If it's related to 10.4 - are you sure no other background service is doing disk i/o (spotlight's comes to mind)? - Did you try the same query/queries with the sqlite3 commandline executable for comparison?

I am using make to build sqlite with the default build style

- Since apparently you're not using make to build sqlite: when you build with deployment build style, did you define NDEBUG=1 ?

BTW: we're using sqlite 3.2.7 on 10.4 and I don't see this kind of sluggishness, but anyway sqlite performance certainly also depends on the data & schema of the database being used, so results can't be compared unless the same database is used...


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