Same filesystem used by both operating system versions?

Output of 'top' or whatever the MacOS analogue is doesn't
show any extra processes working as well as the sqlite program?

Any supervisory frameworks like SE Linux or a win32 virus checker 
turned on in 10.4 that are not on in 10.2?

--- ozemail <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> oops, spoke too soon.  I now have two builds - one built using 10.2  
> (PB) and the other built using 10.4 (Xcode).  I reboot into system  
> 10.2, both builds work as expected.  However, when booting into  
> system 10.4, both builds are sluggish (not just a little bit slow -  
> like 20 seconds to do a job that take 1-2 seconds under 10.2).  The  
> same thing happens for a  fresh install of 10.4 on a different  
> external drive.
> Running from the shell also shows significant differences between the  
> systems.  The following script, which creates a table and does 100  
> inserts, takes 4-5 times longer to run in system 10.4 than in system  
> 10.2.
> any further feedback welcome
> regards
> Peter
> ----- start of script -----
> #!/bin/bash
> myfile=~/test.db
> /usr/local/bin/sqlite3  $myfile "create table table1( one varchar 
> (24), two smallint);";
> /usr/local/bin/sqlite3  $myfile "delete from table1";
> next=0
> for ((i=1; i <= 100 ; i++))
> do
> /usr/local/bin/sqlite3  $myfile "insert into table1 (one, two) values  
> ('some textual data - $i', $i)";
> if (test $next -eq 9) then
>               next=0
>               echo "inserted $i items ..."
>       else
>               next=$(($next + 1))
> fi
>       done
> /usr/local/bin/sqlite3  $myfile 'select * from  table1';
> ----- end of script -----
> On 01/12/2005, at 9:45 PM, ozemail (pcferrett) wrote:
> >
> > On 25/11/2005, at 7:14 PM, Jens Miltner wrote:
> >
> > Hi Jens
> >
> > These are some really good questions.   I had to reinstall system  
> > 10.2 (with a little foresight, probably should have had installed  
> > the systems on different partitions in the first place).  I rebuilt  
> > the files with project builder in 10.2.  The app worked fine.  This  
> > build also worked fine when rebooting in system 10.4.  I then  
> > rebuilt the app in system 10.2 linking to the sqlite build I did  
> > under 10.4.  This also worked fine.  Magically, when rebooting into  
> > 10.4 and converting this PB project to xcode and rebuilding, the  
> > build worked!
> >
> > In summary, I have no idea what the original problem was, but its  
> > working fine now.  Thanks for the tips and feedback all.
> >
> > Peter
> >
> >
> >
> >>
> >> Peter,
> >>
> >> no hot resolution tip here, but a couple of points you may want to  
> >> investigate:
> >>
> >> - Are you sure it's related to your move to Mac OS X 10.4?
> >> - Did you try the same query with the same database in your 10.2  
> >> build?
> >> - If the updated app is still running on 10.2 - what are the  
> >> results if running on 10.2?
> I have tried killing spolight and disabling dashboard widgets.  no  
> luck there.
> >> - If it's related to 10.4 - are you sure no other background  
> >> service is doing disk i/o (spotlight's  comes to mind)?
> >> - Did you try the same query/queries with the sqlite3 commandline  
> >> executable for comparison?
> I am using make to build sqlite with the default build style
> >> - Since apparently you're not using make to build sqlite: when you  
> >> build with deployment build style, did you define NDEBUG=1 ?
> >>
> >> BTW: we're using sqlite 3.2.7 on 10.4 and I don't see this kind of  
> >> sluggishness, but anyway sqlite performance certainly also depends  
> >> on the data & schema of the database being used, so results can't  
> >> be compared unless the same database is used...
> >>
> >> </jum>

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