Hi Simon,
Thx for helping me. I'm trying to explain our setup next:

Changes -> bidirectional. All terminals can save to db. Amount of collected 
data it's not big and frequency between readings will be minimum 2sec. When we 
push more readings. Data itself it's very small. Like reading temperature from 
a probe.
Terminals-> ARM  with Debian LinuxPC-> this is like master. Kind of server. OS 
is Ubuntu or Windows. Now it's Ubuntu. Here we study all data and sometime do 
some changes to database also. But it's maintenance like deleting old data. 
Change names and settings of terminals.
No internet connection. We run this in our private LAN. All it's local and high 
No problem with energy consumption, batteries etc. All working on backup UPS.

George C.


Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android 
  On Thu, Dec 5, 2019 at 17:14, Simon Slavin<slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:   On 
5 Dec 2019, at 12:54pm, George <gxg_...@yahoo.com> wrote:

> I need to sync sqlite tables over network between few devices. 
> Please help me with an opinion with what will be the best approach ?

Unfortunately this is a subject which has no simple solution.  The things you 
have to do are not simple.  To help us advise you, you might answer these 

Do all your devices make changes to the database, or are changes made by just 
one of them ?

What governs when to synchronise ?  Should it be done at regular intervales ?  
If so, how often.  Otherwise what should trigger synchronisation ?

Are all your devices permanently on and connected to the internet, or might 
some of them be turned off or out of contact some of the time ?

Are your devices all proper computers or do you have to worry about battery-use 
and bandwidth on some of them ?
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