We have an app already done in Qt on all terminals. Sqlite it's already used by 
this app. The only missing part it's our sync to have data on PC for reports 
and also on screen reports on terminals if operator will need to check.We need 
sqlite because help us to manage data on terminal and display it wit Qt 
tableview,  sortfilterproxymodel.
We also don't have PC app, now working on it. And ofcourse still working on 
terminal app to improve.Terminals use a touch display, it's a Samsung board, 
and user can check status of all system

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  On Thu, Dec 5, 2019 at 18:24, Simon Slavin<slav...@bigfraud.org> wrote:   
Okay.  Do you really need all of the terminals to have up-to-date data from all 
the terminals ?

If not, it's a simple problem: each terminal sends data to the master, which 
puts all the incoming data into the same database.  Terminals don't need a SQL 
dataase at all.  They simply report changes to the master, as often as they 
need to.

Information send from each terminal can be in the form of a text file of new 
data in CSV format.  Incoming text files pile up in a directory on the master.  
It is important that the master does not try to process data into the SQLite 
database immediately, since this would introduce a delay and perhaps problems 
with locking.  It's faster just to accept the data and store it in a file on 
disk, and worry about processing it separately.

A program on the master server continually reads any file available, adds its 
data to the central database, then deletes the file.  If there are no files 
waiting to be processed it can idle for a second or two.  Another program, 
which can run at the same time, gives you access to this database so you can 
read the data and do your maintenance.

Does that work for you ?
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