----- Original Message ----- From: "Will Leshner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

On Dec 20, 2005, at 7:46 AM, John Stanton wrote:

I haven't looked closely at the problem, so these are just first ideas extending CM's approach. Basically there should be no reason to perform any analysis of the SQL since that has already been done and the metalanguage generated. My approach would be to prepare the SQL statement and then use the compiled SQL to generate an UPDATE statement. The existing SQLite VM gives you a model for the framework of your engine.

This sounds like a very interesting idea. Could you be more specific about how you would generate an UPDATE statement from the compiled SQL?

My approach in the ADO.NET 2.0 provider was to modify the core engine slightly. I added a database pragma, which when enabled, directs the internal generateColumnNames() function in select.c to emit the underlying database, table name and column name for a given column. So for example:

Given the definition:

... and the statement:

SELECT ID AS MyID, Description AS MyDescription, Value AS MyValue FROM Foo

The output column names would normally be MyId, MyDescription, MyValue.

However, with the pragma turned on, it generates them as main.Foo.ID, main.Foo.Description, main.Foo.Value

The code doesn't rename aggregate or literal columns, only columns that back directly into a column in a table or view. When selecting from a view, the view's column definitions are displayed instead.

Once I have the full database, table and column name for a given column I can then query the schema and determine datatypes, indexes, etc. In the case of a column from a view, I can also recursively parse (SQLite does the parsing actually) the original view definition statement and drill down to the base table(s) involved in the view(s).

What I'm left with are the alias names and original database table and column names for all the fields in the query, complete with information on whether or not any field is a primary key, how many different tables are involved in the query, etc etc. If there is only one table involved, I can generate the statements. If a unique index/primary key is included, I can generate delete/update statements as well.

I originally tried to go with parsing the EXPLAIN output, but there's just not enough information there to fully reconstruct the query's underlying sources, and without rebuilding my own virtual machine to follow the output, its just too difficult to figure out.


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