Quoting Jay Sprenkle ([EMAIL PROTECTED]):
> > Hi there,
> >
> > I use SQLite on my website for 2 years now. I do like SQLite a lot and
> > will use it for a lot of new web projects but, because I got more and
> > more traffic, I consider to move this one to MySQL in order to reduce
> > the over load of my computer (I host it @ home).
> How is this going to reduce load?
> sqlite = mysql - server code
> You're adding server code. More code = More load.

For applications that are updating and querying at the same time, the
locking on sqlite can impose horrible delays.  I've got a database that's
currently on mysql.  There are three main types of interaction:
- interactive web applications that both query and update (hundreds per
- long running "batch" applications that do queries lasting 10 minutes or
  more (dozens per day)
- very long running batch update applications that can take hours to run,
  but only have to be done once a month.
In MySQL, all three types of applications happen simultaneously.  In
SQLIte, the way locking is implemented means that the interactive web
applications can't run in a reasonable time because the batch applications
won't allow the updater to commit until the batch job is finished.

Paul Tomblin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://xcski.com/blogs/pt/
OTOH, the general theme is that lusers should not be allowed to have
computers, cars, guns or genitalia.
              -- Anthony DeBoer

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