There may be an issue, but.....
Your design is fundamentaly wrong.
I don't know what your intended use
is for this data, but I am logging identical fstat file info along with an 
MD5 sums.

Each informational element needs
to be stored in an individual column.

Stuffing all those fields into a single
string that needs to be parsed to find
ownership or last mod times removes
all the benefit from having it in a database in the first place.

Stuff it into a sorted flat file.  
that would be faster and simpler.

A database would be 'much better' IMHO but only if it it properly 

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...... Original Message .......
On Sun, 26 Mar 2006 09:50:31 -0800 "Tito Ciuro" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I've populated a datafile with 40.176 records which contain file  
>attributes and file paths. I have two columns, CMKey and CMValues.  
>The column CMKey contains the path to the file and the column  
>CMValues contains the attribute values. For example:
>CMKey: Application Support/AbiSuite/AbiWord.Profile
>     0,
>     NSFileTypeRegular,
>     1,
>     21508,
>     0,
>     staff,
>     234881026,
>     294022,
>     2004-12-16 10:11:35 -0800,
>     tciuro,
>     384,
>     2006-03-26 08:35:55 -0800,
>     502,
>     20
>Both columns are of type TEXT.
>This is what I've found:
>1) SELECT * FROM FinderFiles WHERE CMKey GLOB '*AbiWord.Profile*'  
>returns 1 match. This is correct.
>2) SELECT * FROM FinderFiles WHERE CMKey LIKE '%ABIWORD.Profile%'  
>returns 1 match. This is correct.
>3) SELECT * FROM FinderFiles WHERE CMValues GLOB '*2004-12-16  
>10:11:35 -0800*' returns 40.176 matches. This is not correct. There  
>is no way I created these 40.176 file at the *very same* time. Just  
>to be sure, I looked at one random file (of the 40.176) and I've  
>obtained the following creation date attribute:
>NSFileCreationDate = 2004-02-21 06:12:43 -0800;
>The same problem occurs if I perform the query:
>SELECT * FROM FinderFiles WHERE CMValues LIKE '%2004-12-16 10:11:35  
>This problem seems to occur when trying to match something with numbers:
>- If I look for NSFilePosixPermissions 448 (which I know exists) I  
>get zero matches
>- If I look for strings, such as in step #1 or #2, it works fine.
>Something is wrong, I just can't figure out why...
>Any ideas? Is this a bug?
>-- Tito

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