sqlite <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Eric Scouten wrote:
SQLite derives that by parsing the string that you've already found.
I found the method in section 2.1 of this page:

 > I think it does store that in some internal fashion, so
 > it's not *re-parsing* it constantly, but that is not
 > available through the API.

Pity. I guess I'll have to parse it myself...

I continue to be bewildered by programmers'
fixation on datatypes.

We're C++ programmers and C++ is all about data types.
It's a statically typed language.

This has been a constant
theme for 6 years now.

I'm sure it has...   :-)

And in all that time, I
have never been able to figure out why so many
people think they need to know the "type" of a

Ummm...perhaps it's because when you create a
column you give it a type. It's only natural
to believe that the type might actually be
used for something...

The best theory I have is that people who have
always driven a stick shift must have difficulty
driving a car with an automatic transmission.

Yep. We spend a week stomping on the huge American
brake pedal every time we reach a traffic light and
want to de-clutch.

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